"I knew Joe Robinson, owner of Sugarhill very well in the 90s and spent quite a lot of time with him and Sylvia working out of the studios in New Jersey making copy tapes for UK releases. Chess of course was long gone to MCA, but there were still a lot of tapes there as well as photos from Chess. Joe told me that all of those albums you are discussing [Blues Ball and Blue Night] and those on Le Roi Du Blues were produced by the guys who had already been producing reissues for Sugarhill and the tapes were provided to them because he could not afford to pay them what he owed them for work already done." (Bob Fisher @ facebook)
Blue Night BN 073-1667BU 137/138,44
Howlin' Wolf discography
Blue Night BN 073-1668
Blue Night BN 073-1669 (UK 1979)BU 137/138,50
Earl Hooker discographyOtis Rush discography
Chicago Slide CS-005 (US 1979)BU 137/138,39
Hound Dog Taylor discographyJohn Littlejohn discographyEarl Hooker discography
thanks to Wilson Fabian Ruales Villalva for scans